Are you looking for a strong building material that can last long? MgSo4 model is produced with top of the line magnesium oxide powder taking over 70% substance with inorganic substances and basic safe high malleable fiberglass networks. The board is normally relieved utilizing no energy through cool combination. It is inorganic and has no harmful data sources. It contains no formaldehyde, fly debris or translucent silica - fixings/inputs found in pressed wood, OSB, fiber concrete and gypsum-based building materials. It accomplishes predominant strength and adaptability with the contribution of soluble safe glass fiber networks which upholds our board gets an exceptional elite exhibition primary property.
MgSo4 flame resistant MgO board which is likewise called Mgo Sulfate board is an improved result of Magnesium oxide board since it is made of magnesium sulfate rather than magnesium oxide. It is made of High Purity Magnesia oxide, MgSO4 supplant of MgCl2, Woodchip, Perlite, High Strength fiberglass network, Nonwoven textures.

Magnesium sulfate board, otherwise called MgO sulfate board or MgSo4 board, is generally utilized in building development lately, its greatest benefit isn't to retain dampness back to halogen, and there are numerous wellsprings of magnesium sulfate, including the reuse of modern waste corrosive.
Improved magnesium board is non-ignitable and can accomplish fire evaluations as high as 4 hours given the right establishment. It tends to be utilized for sound studios, schools, public regions, cinemas, train and transport dividing, boat apportioning, retail plazas, and any region where the flame resistant capacity is essential.

What are the highlights of the MgSo4 board?
1) No perspiring
2) No consumption shield from steel/screws from oxidation
3) Superior waterproof
4) Superior flame resistant 5) More reasonable for use on steel outline
Magnesium sulfate board, otherwise called MgO sulfate board or MgSo4 board, is generally utilized in building development lately, its greatest benefit isn't to assimilate dampness back to halogen, and there are numerous wellsprings of magnesium sulfate, including the reuse of mechanical waste corrosive. The primary crude materials of magnesium sulfate board are magnesium oxide, magnesium sulfate, perlite, halogen, fiberglass network, etc.