Perhaps the most basic issues for modelers is to guarantee that the structure plans address the fire wellbeing standards. Shockingly, there have been a few crushing fire events in significant areas all throughout the planet. Selection of incomplete supplanting with satisfactory hindrance groups of fire resistant board could keep the fire from spreading.
At whatever point a fire creates in a structure, it is significant that the fire stays where it is and that heap bearing construction stay set up for a period adequate for individual’s departure and salvage tasks. Fire resistant board is intended to do precisely that: they are safe against the warmth and radiation of the fire. On account of their low conductivity and high warmth assimilation, joined with low shrinkage to keep their trustworthiness, they ensure that on the opposite side of the load up the temperatures stay low during a significant stretch of time.

On account of these capacities, a heat proof board can be utilized for some, applications, including the fire hindrances for:
• Structure compartmentation
• Encasements or optional linings for insurance of the structure's loadbearing structure
• Protection from electrical links
• Ventilation and smoke extraction channels
In every one of these applications, the fire resistant board satisfies a similar capacity. On one side of the board there is the warmth of a furious fire, on the opposite side the temperature stays low. By keeping the fire and warmth secured behind heat proof sheets, the fire doesn't spread through the structure and doesn't increment an excessive amount of the temperature on load-bearing designs. Individuals have the opportunity to run away to a protected spot, fire and salvage administrations can intercede, the structure doesn't fall, hot smoke can be separated (vital for the wellbeing of individuals) and security basic frameworks inside the structure continue to work.
The imperviousness to fire is constantly communicated in minutes, ordinarily in classes that are products of 30 minutes. For instance a fire secured steel structure that can withstand fire during in any event 120 minutes will be "R120", and a segment divider that keeps the blazes out and temperatures low during at any rate 120 minutes will be "EI120".